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Advance Notice of Expiration: COVID-19 Movement of 90,000 lbs Gross Weight Vehicles on Five and Six Axles

  • June 25, 2021

The Governor’s March 13, 2020 Proclamation of Public Health Emergency and subsequent Supplemental Proclamations, in particular the Supplemental Proclamation of March 20, 2020, will expire July 6, 2021

Accordingly, the April 6, 2020 memorandum “State of Alabama Public Health Emergency, COVID-19 Movement of 90,000 lbs. Gross Weight on Five and Six Axels **REVISION No.2** March 24, 2020 Version and All Earlier Versions are Superseded” will also expire on that same date.

After July 6, all five-axle and six-axle vehicles must comply with the applicable weight requirements of Title 32 of the Code of Alabama (1975).

Read the Advance Notice of Expiration and Associated Documents