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Picture of Rosemary Elebash, Chair

Rosemary Elebash, Chair

NFIB Alabama
    Picture of Edward Wayne Bassett

    Edward Wayne Bassett

    Beck's Turf, Inc.
      Picture of Krista Conlin

      Krista Conlin

      KC Projects, LLC
        Picture of Lynne G. Frakes

        Lynne G. Frakes

        Cable Television of East Alabama
          Picture of Dwight Gamble

          Dwight Gamble

          HNB First
            Picture of Jheovanny Gomez

            Jheovanny Gomez

            Jalapeno's Mexican Grill
              Picture of Peter “Greg” Gregerson, Jr.

              Peter “Greg” Gregerson, Jr.

              Gregerson's Foods, Inc.
                Picture of Lee R. Henderson

                Lee R. Henderson

                Which Wich Sandwich Franchises
                  Picture of Beau Holmes

                  Beau Holmes

                  Quantum Logistics, LLC
                    Picture of Paul Hutcheson

                    Paul Hutcheson

                    Hutcheson Construction Company
                      Picture of Donna Kerr

                      Donna Kerr

                      Robbie's of Fayette
                        Picture of Les Letlow

                        Les Letlow

                        The Letlow Company, LLC
                          Picture of Charlotte Meadows

                          Charlotte Meadows

                          Alabama Allergy and Asthma Clinic, PC
                            Picture of John L. Mitchell, Jr.

                            John L. Mitchell, Jr.

                            Mitchell Nissan, LLC
                              Picture of Joseph Oglesby

                              Joseph Oglesby

                              Monroe Scrap Material, Inc.
                                Picture of Lisa Patterson, CPA

                                Lisa Patterson, CPA

                                Patterson, Prince, & Associates, PC
                                  Picture of Tripp Powell

                                  Tripp Powell

                                  Kuykendall and Powell Oil Co. Inc.
                                    Picture of Curtis Richardson

                                    Curtis Richardson

                                    C&J Electrical Services, LLC
                                      Picture of Stacia Robinson

                                      Stacia Robinson

                                      Benechoice Companies
                                        Picture of Brian Roth

                                        Brian Roth

                                        IndusTREE Timber, Inc.
                                          Picture of Judy Ryals

                                          Judy Ryals

                                          Huntsville/Madison County Convention & Visitors Bureau
                                            Picture of Sen. Paul Sanford

                                            Sen. Paul Sanford

                                            Sanford Restaurant Group, Inc.
                                              Picture of Rep. Ritchie Whorton

                                              Rep. Ritchie Whorton

                                              House of Representatives
                                                Picture of William T. Youngblood

                                                William T. Youngblood

                                                Youngblood Real Estate
                                                  Picture of Stinson Ellis

                                                  Stinson Ellis

                                                  Priester's Pecans