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city of Brewton

City Website

Welcome to the city of Brewton

The City of Brewton is located in Escambia County in south central Alabama, just north of the Florida Panhandle. In its early days, Brewton was known as “the richest little town in the South” due to its role in supplying the European lumber demand in the last 1800s. Brewton has been voted one of the 100 best small towns in America.

Core Services

Business Licenses

Business licenses are often administered by the Municipality’s Office of the Probate Judge or the Department of Revenue. Access the Municipality business license application or contact information for obtaining a license here.

Chamber of Commerce

Local chambers may serve one municipality, county or several counties, but each offer a range of economic development resources from area advantages to leadership programs.


Access a primary municipality news source for the latest municipality information.

Contact Us

Access an electronic form for requesting information about the City of Brewton here.

  • 1010A Douglas Avenue
    Brewton, AL 36426
  • (251) 809-1775